Avio ICP-OES Series: AMAZINGLY CAPABLE, REMARKABLY AFFORDABLE Reliability, cost-efficiency and ease of use in one compact package

PerkinElmer’s new Avio® 200/500 ICP Optical Emission Spectrometers help laboratories who are running inorganic analyses and facing an expanding range of sample types to test difficult, high-matrix samples without the need for dilution. The Avio ICP-OES series are easy-to-use, compact instruments, equipped with a unique combination of technologies that deliver high throughput, superior performance, and faster return on investment.

In fact, laboratory professionals who need to measure more than one element at a time can leverage the Avio® 200 system for multi-element analyses with the same ease of use as atomic absorption (AA), but without the flammable gases. The Avio® 500 platform takes your analysis even one step further, being a truly simultaneous ICP-OES instrument, offering high sensitivity and superior resolution, the perfect asset for high-throughput labs.

  •  Significantly lowering operating costs. The Flat PlateTM Plasma Technology delivers a more robust, stable plasma, and a total argon flow of only 9L/min.
  • Minimizing sample preparation time. The Vertical Plasma Torch Design provides 100% matrix tolerance.
  • Measuring high and low concentrations in the same run, regardless of wavelength using optimized Dual View for axial and radial plasma viewing.
  •  Maintenance-free, argon-free interference removal offered by the PlasmaShearTM System.
  •  Simultaneous acquisition of all available wavelengths enabled by the Universal Data Acquisition, with virtually no time or storage penalty* (*Avio 500)
  • Real-time status evaluation of plasma, injector and torch during analysis using the Color PlasmaCamTM
  •  Built-in, preset methods for faster, easier operation, with extensive quality control options, including QC Charting provided by SyngistixTM for ICP Software.

The Avio ICP-OES Series will expand your range and extend your resources.

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