Gas detection at school forces closure

The use of flow monitoring instrumentation from Detectronic (UK) has facilitated the completion of two comprehensive winter hydrological surveys in Kuwait. To address seasonal flood problems, the Kuwait Government commissioned the multi-disciplinary Australian consultants Snowy Mountains Engineering Corporation (SMEC) to develop a master plan for the storm water drainage system. Charlie Reed, project manager for SMEC on the Kuwait Stormwater Drainage Master Plan explained, “We approached several companies of which only Detectronic fully understood the implications of two short, but separated, survey periods and were able to work with us to provide all the equipment needed, guidance, training and importantly, essential back up and support during the survey period. Detectronic supplied all the equipment for both rainfall monitoring and stormwater flow monitoring. Director, Dave Walker provided initial training in how to set up the equipment for optimum performance, procedures for data download and assistance with analysis of the data.”

A total of 30 data logging flow monitors and 18 rain gauges, complete with data loggers, and spare parts were supplied. These instruments were all calibrated and serviced in the UK workshop before being air freighted to Kuwait. Detectronic handled shipping and all export documentation to Kuwait where SMEC handled inward customs clearance. This process worked efficiently, enabling SMEC to commence the survey promptly. At the end of the survey, the process was reversed and the equipment returned to the UK for use on other hire contracts, before preparation and shipping once more for the following winter season.

Through both winter surveys Detectronic provided technical back up as required. “Most of this communication was by e-mail and via Skype/telephone. We found that Dave Walker and the other members of the team at Detectronic understood our situation, enabling most issues to be resolved speedily, a testament to their experience and professionalism,” commented Charlie Reed. The survey phase of the project is now complete and SMEC are proceeding to the hydraulic modelling and design phase. Based on their experience of the support provided by Detectronic, Charlie Reed has recommended Detectronic as a company to supply flow monitoring equipment and service to colleagues on other international SMEC projects.

“Kuwait is a normally arid country subject to short but intense winter storms. Kuwait City, however, is far from unusual in having a drainage infrastructure, developed more than 40 years ago, before the massive urbanisation that has since taken place. The master plan being developed by SMEC will signpost the measures needed to alleviate the current winter flooding problems,” commented Dave Walker.

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