Portable Gas Detector More Versatile Than Ever

The Galileo Multisystem from Sensitron (Italy) is a Multifunction gas control panel designed to comply with the SIL (safety Integrity Level)

requirements according to the European Standard EN 50402 on Functional Safety. Specifically, the EN 50402 refers to “Electrical Apparatus for the detection and measurement of combustible or toxic gases or vapours or of Oxygen. Requirements on the functional safety of fixed gas detection systems”.

The functional safety is aimed to supervise and manage the behaviour of a system in case of failures. When defining the system structure all

possible different types of failures that may occur in any part of the system are to be considered and evaluated.

The basic approach o this new standard is to provide a uniform description of complex gas detection systems, independently of the strong differences in hardware due to the different manufacturers design. To this purpose, gas detection systems have been split in “functional modules”, and for each of them the minimum requirements are detailed according to the different levels required, from SIL-C1 to SIL-C4 (Safety Integrity Level Capability).

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