World`s First Docking Station for Fixed-Point Gas Monitors

A company based on Merseyside has launched a new carbon monoxide detector in the US.

Birkenhead firm Detectagas claims to have identified a gap in the US market for a system which test the sensors in carbon monoxide detectors.

John Stone, the developer of the device, recently returned from a trip to the US where he met distributors and customers ahead of the products launch, reports LDPBusiness.

“The reaction to the product has been fantastic,” commented Mr Stone, adding: “The problem of CO gas poisoning is much more widely recognised and the health and safety legislation much more robust over there, but there is still nothing similar to our product on the market.”

Recently a health and safety campaign was launched in the UK to reduce the number of people killed by carbon monoxide poisoning, reports the BBC.

Symptoms of such poisoning include nausea, dizziness and loss of balance.

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