Gas Sensor Sockets for High Reliability and Lower Cost

Industrial Scientific Corporation (USA) is pleased to report that USA’s Occupational Health and Safety magazine has named iNet Control “Product of the Year.”

The award honours achievements of health and safety manufacturers whose products are noteworthy in improving workplace safety. Three industry experts independently judged entries in 11 award categories. iNet Control won this award in the “Industrial Hygiene” category.

iNet Control is the first hosted software platform for managing gas detector fleets. Included with every iNet subscription, iNet Control automatically collects and presents fleet data for complete program visibility. Users can quickly check the overall health of their programs with trend data graphs, a list of items that require attention or comparisons to industry averages. If more information is needed, the user can click into details down to the sensor-level for each gas detector.

iNet Control organizes gas detector data into three categories – alarms, maintenance and usage. Alarm event data shows users if employees are at risk from exposure to harmful gases. Maintenance data provides assurance that events like calibration and bump testing are performed as scheduled. Usage data gives team leaders knowledge of what’s happening in the field. For example, iNet Control recognizes when gas detectors are used without a bump test or calibration. iNet Control can even tell if a team member turned off a gas detector in alarm conditions.

iNet Control identifies the source of these and many other potential problems. As a result, users are better equipped to make informed decisions that save lives.

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