Newest hazardous gas detector identifies a broad range of toxic chemicals

Noxious smells have long been associated with low concentrations of hydrogen sulphide (H2S) but these nuisance odours can now be avoided with the new H2S DraegerTube. Able to detect extremely low levels of H2S before the aroma becomes apparent, this easy-to-use device is of particular benefit to the water and waste industries where the gas can accumulate in sewers and stagnant water. Ideal for use in any odour control application, it can also be used to monitor H2S levels in a number of chemical processes.

With a measurement capability as low as 0.2ppm, the Drager (Germany) H2S DraegerTube not only provides odour control but it can also be used to reduce the risks of exposure by early detection. For example, because there is a rapid accommodation to the smell that occurs with low level concentrations, increasing levels of H2S may not be noticed until the symptoms of ill health become apparent. These ill health effects can be significant with exposure to low concentrations causing irritation to the nose and throat, headaches, blurred vision, vertigo and, possibly, total collapse. High level exposure can cause death by paralysis.

DraegerTubes are designed to provide on the spot gas measurement and are suitable for monitoring personal exposure, spot check measurements, leak checks and confined space investigation. The range comprises over 250 short term tubes to enable fast, accurate measurement of some 430 different types of gases and vapours. Used in conjunction with a hand

bellow pump, they enable rapid measurements to be taken and provide optimum volume and flow specifications.

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